To directly read the summary ,


In the above conversation, the following process has been explained to Mansi by Master Turtle.

    Step 1 – Risk character and financial targets of the investor are determined

    Step 2 – Asset allocation based on the results of Step 1

    Step 3 – Customized portfolio from a simulation of a million portfolios

    Step 4 – Scenario Analysis for the fulfilment of the target is provided

    Step 5 – Continuous monitoring and rebalancing of the portfolio

Master Turtle’s Asset Allocation Model:

10 years of daily price points of assets under consideration

Methods Used:

Modern Portfolio Theory & Mean Variance Analysis; Monte Carlo Simulation

What makes Master Turtle different?

  • Risk analyser – Analyzes investor profile using Behavioral Finance concepts
  • Asset allocation model – Investor receives a customized portfolio from a simulation of a million portfolios based on his risk profile, targets and time left to fulfil the target
  • Mutual Funds are rated and ranked using 100 + parameters
  • All investment strategies are backtested
  • Scenarios Analysis for fulfilment of the target is provided